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Seared Salmon with Pear


24 14-oz. servings


Recipe Preparation

1. Remove the core and quarter the pears. Slice lengthwise into thin pieces. Place 1 tsp. of canola oil in a nonstick sauté pan. As soon as the oil begins to smoke, add 3 oz. of pears to the pan. Toss over medium-high heat for 30 seconds or until caramelized and warmed through.

2. Place 2 oz. of canola oil in a heated, nonstick sauté pan. Place the salmon in the pan skin side up. Cook on both sides until golden-brown and heated through. Remove the skin from the salmon when cooked. Pour off any excess oil from the pan. Add 2 oz. of Madeira sauce to the pan. Bring to a boil. Adjust consistency with water, if necessary.

3. Place the arugula in a stainless steel mixing bowl. Drizzle with olive oil and season to taste with salt and pepper. Toss in the bowl until mixed. 

4. Place the salmon on a warmed serving plate. Pour the sauce atop the salmon. Place the pears on the salmon. Sprinkle 1 oz. of warmed red quinoa over the pears. Place the arugula next to the salmon.

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