The Important Role of Technology in Staff Management

Learn how staffing technology can help you better meet the needs of your employees, reduce management time and help you navigate the competitive labor market.
Man and woman looking at iPad

We’re talking about the current labor market a lot, and for good reason. Operators are seeing staffing costs increase and profits decrease, making labor a force to be reckoned with. In addition, new generations are coming into and moving up in the workforce as the baby boomer generation reaches retirement.

Between rising employment costs and managing an age-varied staff, operators have their hands full. But technology can help you wrap your arms around staffing needs, streamlining hiring, retention and training, while lifting some of the managerial tasks off your shoulders.

Matching technology to your workforce

To make the most of staffing technology, you need to understand how your various employees will interact with and use it. Their level of engagement will be shaped by the technological experiences of their generation.

Mobile-Minded Gen Z

This generation basically grew up with a device in their hand, so Gen Zers are used to connecting with people and companies from their smartphones or tablets. If you want to hire and retain them make sure your staffing technology comes with a mobile-friendly platform. They will appreciate the ability to apply, onboard, train and grow remotely. And if it involves a touchscreen, that’s even better.

Social-Savvy Millennials

Socially-minded, millennials put a strong emphasis on work-life balance, volunteerism and equality for all. This mindset carries over to their digital experiences, which lean heavily into social media. Give them your message, empower them with the right technology to share it and you’ll have some of the best (free!) recruiters and customer advocates.

Tech-Adaptive Gen X

While they didn’t grow up with wireless devices, Gen X willingly embraces technology. Not surprising, since they’re known for their independence (parents were likely out of the house, working full-time or divorced) and were forced to figure things out for themselves. With that in mind, if you deploy staffing technology, they’ll adapt to it. Just show them the ropes, then give them room to learn it on their own.

Finding the right mix

Each staffing technology solution should be closely evaluated to meet your needs. Seek out the solution that checks off the majority of your wants and fill in with others as appropriate. Key components to look for include:

  • Hiring, including applying, vetting and onboarding

  • Need- and character-based assessments to determine training opportunities and skill gaps

  • Online training and motivating capabilities

  • Online scheduling, including the option for employees to swap shifts

  • The ability to push operational communications, both internally to your staff and externally to customers and potential customers

Once you land on what you need, the next step in securing technology staffing providers is determining who will be involved. Ownership should be decided for:

  • Vetting prospective staffing technology solutions

  • Managing the content, including loading, updating and maintaining it

  • Determining what success looks like, how it will be measured, measuring it and reporting progress toward it

Between the varying needs of your staff and the pressure for improved margin through efficiency, employing staffing technology is a necessity, not an option. Traditional management solutions won’t be effective, and putting the right staffing technology in place now will ensure you can keep pace with change, even as it picks up speed in the future.

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