Sweet Corn & Blackberry Bourbon Ice Cream


Makes 1 Quart

Prep Time

2 Hours
Sweet Corn & Blackberry Bourbon Ice Cream


Recipe Preparation

  1. Steep the cobs in the heavy cream for about 30 minutes on low heat. Strain the cobs out and measure the cream to 3 cups. Discard the remaining cream if any.
  2. Put the berries, bourbon and sugar in a bowl and set aside.
  3. Place the corn cream into a new saucepan and add the sugar and salt. Bring just to a simmer, stirring frequently so not to scald the bottom. Once the mixture starts to steam, remove from the heat.
  4. Whisk the egg yolks until thick in a separate bowl while the cream is heating.
  5. Slowly add the cream in a slow stream to the yolks, whisking constantly while doing so. Once all the cream has been added, place back into the saucepan and over low heat to bring the temperature to about 170F – it will coat the back of a wooden spoon. Remove from the heat and add the vanilla.
  6. Pour the mixture through a sieve into a baking dish. Finally, add the berries to the custard and stir lightly to spread the mixture evenly. Place in the cooler uncovered to drop the temperature. Follow instructions on your ice cream machine or attachment for a stand mixer to churn.

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