Promo Codes

Boost Sales with Strategic
Promo Codes

Since April 2024, our North American customers have ordered
over 26,000 cases using digital promo codes. Now it’s your turn to
leverage this success. We’ll help you develop promo codes that attract
new customers, boost sales, and build lasting loyalty.

Features & Capabilities

  • Currently applicable for item-level discounts
  • Vendor dictates dollar off amount for specific product SKUs*
  • Time periods are flexible and can be tailored to accommodate campaign needs, however, we do recommend at least a 30-day window for redemption

Promo codes can be integrated into existing marketing campaigns and communicated through:

Homepage Ads

Banner Ads

Material Ads

Content Pages

*Must select a dollar amount, we cannot accommodate percentage discounts at this time.

Gordon Food Service reserves the right to review and reject final assets not created by our digital marketing team. All final campaign approvals must come from Gordon Food Service. Enhanced eCommerce product content is mandatory before launching a campaign. Due to our confidentiality obligations to our customers, our privacy policies, and marketing standards and best practices, Gordon Food Service does not share customer contact data or customer-level information with external partners, including but not limited to suppliers, without our customer’s written consent.

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