Purchasing and Inventory – Two Keys to Achieving Peak Performance

Win the war on waste by monitoring the food and products you buy and using them efficiently.

Foodservice operators who practice lean thinking to reduce wasted time and money should take a serious look at product purchasing and the inventory of food and supplies.

Those two related areas are among the most commonly cited processes to consider when uncovering time-saving practices. After all, these two activities happen regularly and cost you money.

It’s important because the path to efficiency is paved by time. The more time saved, the smoother the route to peak performance. 

Lean thinking when it comes to purchasing and inventory makes sure you are using the team you have in the best way. It will help get the frequent job done quickly and accurately, plus assure money is not tied up in long inventory. Optimal workflow can put cash in your pocket as you pay attention to how your team performs, ask questions, and uncover hidden problems,

Examine the processes your teams follow as they go about purchasing and inventory tasks.  Pay special attention to time-consuming activities that provide little or no value. As you notice areas for improvement, ask “why” questions and drill down to find the root of the inefficiency. For example, do team members spend too much time searching for the right product in storage? Ask why, then follow that with more “why” questions until you get enough information to craft a solution.

Your Storeroom: An Open Door to Savings

Does your procurement team spend excess time deciding which products to order? Are team members waiting around for others to bring ingredients from the cooler? Are you throwing out food products that were over-purchased? Does your team spin its wheels deciding what to serve if you run short on a product?

These are common situations, and all of them have the potential to cost time and money. Asking “why” questions leads to finding hidden expenses and pinpointing ways to improve efficiency. The solution can be as simple as:

  • Have standard order lists based on the menu.
  • Establish par levels for all items.
  • Conduct regular inventory before ordering.
  • Organize the storeroom, cooler, and freezer.
  • Use an ordering system that indicates case quantities available from your distributor.
  • Use standardized recipes and production reports.

Organized storage helps avoid wasted time spent trying to find the right product. Monitoring shelving layout and stressing easy product identification – a once-weekly task – can save lots of time over the course of a month or a year. Your Gordon Food Service Sales Representative can provide ideas for organizing your storeroom, cooler, and freezer.

Technology Tools Ready to Help

The time you save with more efficient purchasing and inventory practices can save money. Buying what you need and in the correct quantity improves usage and cuts spoilage and waste. It also makes sure you know what’s in stock and what you need to keep your kitchen operating smoothly. 

To help, Gordon Food Service has developed technology solutions to help manage purchasing and inventory, including:

Using these tools can reduce the effort it takes to conduct time-consuming tasks. Every minute you add back to a team member’s day and every dollar you save helps you work on ways to enhance the dining experience.

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